Digital Leap: Avoin haku sirkus- ja tanssitaiteilijoille syksyn 2022 ja kevään 2023 moduuleihin

Digital Leap -koulutusprojektin toinen ja viimeinen taiteilijahaku on käynnistynyt. Hakea voi nyt  kahteen viimeiseen koulutusmoduuliin, jotka järjestetään Terrassassa (ES) lokakuussa 2022 ja Marseillessa (FR) helmikuussa 2023. 

Digital Leap on kansainvälinen koulutushanke, joka tarjoaa ammattitaiteilijoille mahdollisuuksia syventää ymmärrystään digitaalisista alustoista ja työkaluista, ja oppia hyödyntämään näitä tavoilla, jotka parhaiten tukevat omaa taiteellista työtä. Viisipäiväiset koulutusmoduulit – kaikkiaan neljä kappaletta – lähestyvät teemaa eri näkökulmista, teorian ja käytännön kokeilujen kautta. Moduulit ovat itsenäisiä kokonaisuuksia, joten on mahdollista tulla mukaan joko yhteen tai useampaan niistä.

Kolmannen moduulin aiheena on esitysten levittäminen digitaalisilla alustoilla. Tavoitteena on oppia löytämään oikeat keinot ja työkalut, joiden avulla tavoittaa uusia yleisöjä sekä pohtia verkkolevitykseen liittyviä tekijänoikeuskysymyksiä yhdessä asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Moduuli järjestetään Terrassassa Kataloniassa 4.-8.10.2022 ja sitä isännöi Institut Ramon Llull.

Neljännessä moduulissa tutkitaan keinoja luoda yhteys yleisöön digitaalisilla työkaluilla sekä keskustellaan yleisöistä myös saavutettavuuden ja moninaisuuden näkökulmasta. Moduulin järjestää Artcena Marseillessa helmikuun 2023 alussa, tarkat päivämäärät varmistuvat myöhemmin. Neljänteen moduuliin ovat taiteilijoiden lisäksi tervetulleita myös tanssin ja sirkuksen parissa työskentelevät tuottajat.

Kuhunkin moduuliin valitaan ammattitaiteilijoita kaikista seitsemästä partnerimaasta, sekä tanssin että sirkuksen kentiltä. Neljänteen moduuliin voivat hakea myös tuottajataustaiset sirkuksen ja tanssin ammattilaiset.

Moduulien työkieli on englanti, joten myös hakemukset tehdään englanniksi. Osallistuminen on maksutonta ja osallistujien matka- ja majoituskulut katetaan.

Haku sulkeutuu 13.6.2022 klo 17 Suomen aikaa ja hakijoille ilmoitetaan valinnasta kesäkuun loppupuolella.

Lue lisää hankkeesta ja hae mukaan:

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Instagram: @digital_leap
Facebook: @digitalleapeu

Hanke on saanut rahoitusta Euroopan komission Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta. Tanssin tiedotuskeskus koordinoi hanketta yhteistyössä seitsemän muun asiantuntijaorganisaation kanssa.

Johanna Terhemaa:

The call for artists is open again!

Are you searching for ways to create a connection with your audience digitally or looking for the right tools for sharing your artistic work with the world through digital means? We are now calling for circus and dance artists who are curious about digitalization to take part in the third and fourth Digital Leap learning modules. 

The Digital Leap learning modules are 5-day events consisting of theory about and hands-on training in digital platforms from different perspectives. The modules offer you an opportunity to develop different skills in digitalization. Topics range from distributing performances by using digital tools, connecting with audiences in digital and virtual environments, and learning how to employ these tools in a way that best suits your own artistic practice. Experts of different disciplines will act as teachers, mentors and facilitators. 

Although we believe in the possibilities of digital tools, we think creating and getting new ideas works best through face-to-face encounters. Therefore we want to bring artists together for 5-day learning modules in Terrassa / Manresa (ES) and Aix-en-Provence / Marseille (FR). The module participants are also invited to see performances and attend networking events in a local festival taking place at the same time.

The overall aim for Digital Leap is to produce digital learning materials from each module. The materials will be made available to the performing arts communities in the partner countries to extend the gained knowledge to even more professionals.

The learning modules are free of charge for all selected participants. Digital Leap will cover the travel and accommodation costs of the participants. Meals, local transportation and other costs will be at participants’ own expense. Please note that you will need to travel to Terrassa / Aix-en-Provence-Marseille the day before and depart the day after the module dates.

Module 3 – Expanding your practice at your computer desktop – Distribution strategies on the Internet 3.0.

4. – 8.10.2022 – Terrassa & Manresa, Catalunya, Spain – Hosted by Institut Ramon Llull

There are no magic tricks when talking about the distribution of dance and circus performances digitally, but there are hidden ways still to be discovered.

In this module we invite you to reflect on the infinite possibilities that the internet has to offer in the realm of distribution. A selection of experts will provoke you to think outside the box, reach new targets and get new communities online to broaden your engagement.

We will also offer you a closer look at the complexities of international taxation and some platforms that can ease your work. Legal experts will guide the group through the development of digital rights and explore how it could support the dance and circus scene.

As part of this module you will also be invited to see curated performances at Teatro Principal of Terrasa and at Fira Mediterranea, an international dance festival in Manresa.

Module 4 – Reaching and engaging with audiences through digital means

Beginning of February 2023, dates to be confirmed 

Aix-en-Provence / Marseille, France – Hosted by ARTCENA

This module focuses on the key topic of audience engagement and development work, while exploring cutting-edge digital formats. Circus and dance workers (artists and producers alike) will discover how to e-meet and engage with their audience, how to better target them, and how to adapt to emerging participative and immersive practices by looking at examples from other artistic fields. The module, which will take place in the frame of BIAC (Biennale internationale des arts du cirque), will also address the topic of audiences from an ethical perspective, by touching upon various aspects of diversity and inclusion. 

Who can apply? 

  • Professional* circus and dance artists based in Czech Republic, France, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Spain or Sweden. For Module 4 (Aix-en-Provence/Marseille) we also welcome applications from producers working with circus or dance.
  • We expect you to be interested in gaining new digital skills and having learning goals for the module and that you are also interested in networking opportunities with the international dance and circus scene.
  • We expect the applicants to have an existing online presence, eg. a website and/or social media profiles and to be familiar with working with computers and mobile devices.
  • No previous international working experience is required, but we expect you to have a clear vision of how you want to work internationally in the future.
  • The learning modules will be carried out in English, therefore we expect the applicants to have working proficiency in English.
  • We encourage artists from all career stages to apply.
  • There are no age limits.
  • Also previous module participants are encouraged to apply

* Circus and dance artists who either have a formal education in their art form, artistic working experience in a professional context or have received public funding for their artistic work.

How to apply? 

Please send in your application by filling out the application form on the project website. Be prepared to tell a bit about your experience with digital platforms and your future plans for both working with digital tools and international networking. 

You can apply for and be selected to participate in both of the modules, but you may also be chosen for only one of them. 

Four to six artists representing circus and/or dance from each participating country will be chosen for each of the modules.

General conditions

  • Participants must be present for the full five days of the learning module(s).
  • Participants must bring their own laptop to the learning module.
  • Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by Digital Leap. Meals, local transportation and other costs will be at participants’ own expense. Accompanying program will be offered by the local coordinator (visits to performances, networking activities etc.).
  • Participants need to take care of their own travelers’ insurance and other related certificates needed for travel to the relevant country.
  • Participants will be asked to give feedback in a survey after the module.
  • The application must be written in English.
  • Participants will be asked to do some preparatory tasks in the weeks prior to the module.
  • By attending the modules you agree to be photographed and recorded for the learning materials produced and communication activities related to Digital Leap
  • By applying the applicants accept the Digital Leap Privacy Policy and the use of their information.

The call closes on Monday 13.6.2022 at 17:00 EET / 16:00 CET.

The selections will be made by Digital Leap partner organisations based on the quality of the applications, paying attention to the diversity among participants.

The applicants will be informed about the selection at the end of June.

If selected, the participants will receive more detailed information and some pre-tasks to prepare 2-3 weeks before the learning module.

Link to the application on Digital Leap website: